Besides carrying out the competitions from the Local development strategy, LAG PRIZAG also works on other types of projects.
Project EFYRA
European Future of Young in Rural Area is project co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of European Union, measure Network of Towns. The project includes 9 partners from 7 countries. The Lead Partner (coordinator) of the project is Local Action Group Prigorje-Zagorje.
Europe’s rural areas have one common problem – youth depopulation. The purpose of the project is to identify the causes of youth migration in each partner area through a joint discussion of the project partners and to identify suggestions for preventing those migration through active workshops. Activities will be spread over 5 events that will be organized in the territory of 4 partner countries.
Project SMUG EU
Project Small MUnicipalities aGainst EUroscepticism is co-funded by the EU from the program Europe for Citizens, measure Network of Towns. LAG PRIZAG is the lead partner and coordinator. This project includes 15 partners from 9 countries with one goal: to examine and debate rural euroscepticism. The project aims to open a debate on Europe, how citizens see it and what they would like to change in the future in relation to increasing the quality of life in the local community. SMUG EU includes 6 events with 4 public debates where citizens are actively stating their doubts on the EU and future.
‘United in variety’
LAG PRIZAG is continuously working on partnerships beyond de border. Thus, it was also the partner in the project ‘United in variety’. The goal was to gather and promote multicultural unity in the spirit of EU. Through a 3-day event, 25-27 October 2018, LAG PRIZAG presented our local area (culture, dance, tradition, crafts, arts and customs). With the project, it is also fostered to bring youth closer to EU. An art competition was carried out to see their creativity: “Also my home is part of Europe”.
Prigorje – Zagorje fair
LAG PRIZAG has been organizing the Prigorje-zagorje fair for many years. The goal of this project is to promote cultural, historical, touristic, economic and gastronomic richness of LAG’s area. Within every fair a thematic lecture about rural development is being held.
Breznički Hum and LAG PRIZAG from Croatia cooperated with Šmartno pri Litiji and LAS ‘Srce Slovenije’ from Slovenia. The joint project LAGex was financed by the EU from the program Europe for Citizens, measure 1.1. ‘Town Twinning Citizens’. It was realized in Breznički Hum from the 9th to the 11th of November 2012. LAG PRIZAG and LAS ‘Srce Slovenije’ exchanged valuable knowledge and experience. Such meetings contribute to a homogeneous development of Europe through the flow of information and good practice.